Human Rights

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1. What are the Human Rights?

Are the rights you have simply because you’re human

2. When did human rights start?
Started on 1945

3. Why were they created?

To reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person.

4. How many human rights are there?
There are 30 human rights

5. Which human right were you not familiar with?
The right to play

6 . Choose one human right and discuss:

No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

- Is it fully respected in your country today? Justify with news, comments, studies on the subject (cite the links of your information sources)

I could say it is respected but I’d lay it. There are so many slaves and prostitute who are treating cruel. They have to work free in the streets to get money to their boss.
Also there are lots of tortures to people who have to say something important as who killed he or who stole it.
I agree with this human rights because I think nobody has to be slave of someone.

There is a new which show us how is Madrid at night.

- Do you know if it has been respected in the past? Why or why not?
-Where in the world is this right not complied with?

I think it has more respected in the past than nowadays because the people don’t have to get lots of slaves, so they were trated little better than in 21st century.
Finally I’m sure that this right isn’t complied in south american, some african and asiatic countries.

7. Are Humans rights relevant in the world today?

Yes because Human rights protect us and make us equal.

9. Discussion essay( to be done in class): Should Human Rights be enforced by law or optional?

Do it in class and Sonia has got mine. I will upload when she give me it.

oral presentation videos

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The pianist opinion

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The story begins in Warsaw in 1939. Firstly Wladyslaw Szpilman is a Polish Jewish pianist and the governement says the Jewish people are worse than Aleman people. Nazis attack the place where he is playing the piano on the radio. Then he’s deported in Jewish ghetto where he fights to stay alive. All of his family is deported in Nazis Camps by train to be killed. He escapes because there are so many people who help him to hide in horrible places. After he finds a great abandoned house to live there. Then Nazi’s general discovered him and ask where was working to Wladyslaw, he say he was pianist and the general bind him to play him piano. He likes him music and he helps Wladyslaw to be alive.

So we couldn’t finish it in class but I’ve seen it at home before writing this summary and opinion. I like it very much and anyone which tell me Nacism stories, I think it’s interesting because the history subject doesn’t explain like the people who lived it. It’s a hard film because there are so many moments where you couldn’t believe it. I recomended it to anyone who like this kind of film.


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Self Evaluation

I’m going to explain things which I’ve done ok and others which I should improve.

Firstly I want to comment the Presentation. We’ve done together and we decided to put diferents kinds of photos there to relate with the content, some videos for the audience to be entertaining and know the reality of the sitcom. I think it is perfect the power point and the videos quality that’s because of I put 10%.

Body language & eye contact is bit easy for me but I couldn’t move around because it wasn’t any free place in Language Room. I read so much but some times I looked at the audience. I think it’s good 7%.

Talking about the Structure I know I didn’t say much markers and I didn’t repeat the important things, discuss the important ideas in the conclusion. Because of it I put 5%.

The content is good, extensive and descriptive. I thought we put all of important things about each sitcom but we didn’t put all of things which we want. I think it has got a poor content and because of it I put 38%.

The language is so poor. I didn’t use so complex grammar and vocabulary neither but I used some connectors and fillers too. I think 10% is the best selection.

Finally the Pronunciation & Intonation it was quite good because it was comprehensible. I change my tone of voice too but I didn’t talk like Robin or James who are native. I think 8% is a honest mark.

oral presentation

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Oral presentation

Opinion about New Seat Ibiza car

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Ebooks are here- paper books are dead

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Nes tecnology is here and we don't think about that.
The paper gets us a way to tell what we think, teach to get a job, comunicate ourselves but maybe it's over because it'll be substituted on tecnology. It's called the ebooks.

Firstly it's a new change for us, remember heavy bags, papers and books missed at home and write fastly to take notes in class. Now it won't be a problem.

Secondly the ebooks will be a great solution for all this problem but each of it will be so expensive. Is it true? I desagree with that because the price of notebooks, books, pencils, etc are so expensive too and you have to buy them every year.

Finally I agree with the ebooks to be the new material to teach, read, save information and documents. It will be practical and it won't be heavy.

Cosmetic surgery - BBC News

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Only you can know what you think is right for you, but the most important thing is not to rush into cosmetic surgery. Think carefully about why you want it and what you realistically expect it to do for you. Having a breast enlargement or a face-lift may make you feel better, but it's unlikely to get you the job of your dreams or rescue a failing relationship.

Make sure you see a qualified and experienced surgeon. The best place to start is by talking to your GP. They'll know who the local surgeons are and what their reputations are like. Also, you may need a referral letter from your GP to get an appointment with the cosmetic surgeon you want to see.

You could also talk to any friends who've had similar operations about their experiences and what their surgeon was like.

The Department of Health has comprehensive information about cosmetic surgery to help people make
informed choices. It can be downloaded as a PDF.

British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons can also provide you with a list of qualified surgeons in your area.

Remember, cosmetic surgery:
  • Can be very expensive (it's rarely available on the NHS)
  • Isn't without risks and complications
  • Doesn't always give the results you hope for

If you have any doubts, don't go ahead until you're clear about what you're doing. Cosmetic surgery can be one of the biggest life changes you'll ever experience - good luck making an informed decision.


I thought the new was interesant because it isn’t typical report which tells us to persuade for payment these surgeries. It explain us get good information about the topic, talk with somebody who has operated by this type of surgery and then make decision.
I agree with its idea because there are lot of people who have been operated, after the intervention much people don’t like themselves. Also I desagree with these surgeries because they are much expensive and you won’t be the same person anymore.
So it’s important to get informated about anything rebound your life because you could live worstly than before the operation.

Bahia news nº 49 February 2008

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It talks about the new tecnologies, especially about food products from cloned animals. The most important is the work who The European Group on Ethics because they desapproved meat and milk from cloned animals in Europe but the United States aproved that. I think it affects to me because I feed on meat and I could affect me if this food are in bad condition, it affects everyone who feed on meat and milk.

Resident magazine nº 33 May 2008

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It talks about meals and drinks which you can get in this cosmopolitan restaurant.
There are international and Spanish dishes and I think it affects me because I meet a friend there where he's playing the guitar and sings when the costumers are having dinner. Also affects to my friends who plays any instrument because we often go to have lunch.

Resident magazine nº 33 May 2008

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It talks about the new Seat Ibiza car, you could win a new one and the brand will do activities and promotional campaign to show you this car. The important of the new is tecnical especifications and it affects me because my sister have a black one and I think it's a great car to buy in the future because it has a good estability and is high powerful.

Tenacius D - The Pick of the Destiny

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At the beginning of the film Jabbles kid is singing at the kitchen playing his guitar and his father punish him. He sees Dio singing and telling him to go out for ever. Much years later he arrives on Hollywood and he meets Kage who is a guitar. Kage teachs Jabbles to rock until Jabbles discoveres that Kage isn't a celebrity. So they set up Tenacius D because they have a tatoo which say that. They do a concert festival but don't win and they are sad because they want to be celebrities. Then Kage discovers that all the rock celebrities has the same pick: it's the Pick of Destiny. They go to take more information about it and a man tell them the history.
They've to go to a Rock n' Roll museum to get this pick. They split up but they meet again on the Museum air channel.
When they get the pick they've to run to be safe but Hollywood police are chasing them until them car is firing and they escape by pipes.
They arrive at the concert but each one want to play with it pick and they broke it. The boss of the rock festival picks up the two parts of the pick and he turns into the devil. Jabble and Kage have to do a rock duel and when they finish the devil want to take Kage to the hell because he wants to fuck him all the they. Then Jabbles jump and the devil ray ricochets on the Jabble's guitar (who Kage had buying him) and the devil loses him horn and he returns to the hell.
Finally Jabble and Kage return to them apartament and they make a pipe with devil horn and they compose great songs.

Sing a song!

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When the night has come
and the land is dark
and the moon is the only light we'll see
no I won't be afraid, no I won't be afraid
just as long as you stan, stan by me
And darlin', darlin', stan by me, oh now now stand by me
stand by me, stand by me.

If the sky that we look upon
should tumble and fall
and the mountains should crumble to the sea.
I won't cry, I won't cry, no I won't shed a tear
just as long as you stand, stand by me,
stand by me, stand by me, stand by me, yeah
Whenever you're in trouble won't you stand by me, oh now now stand by me.

Oh stand by me, stand by me, stand by me
Darlin', darlin', stand by me, stand by me
oh stand by me, stand by me, stand by me.

What world your life, have been like if you had lived in medieval times?

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It I had lived in Medieval times, I would have ridden a horse across the country. However I wouldn0t have gone to fight in a war if the king mat to me I would have prefer to die. If I had lived in Medieval times, I wouldn't have studied Biology, I have jus worked in a farm and I would have taken care of my animals.

Podcast Picnic

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Oral presentations summarize

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Name: Francesc Farrés
Title: Unemployment

- 20 % people don’t have job.
- European countries in February 2009 were 8’5 % of unemployment.
- Spain has 15’5 % of unemployment.

Impression: GOOD
Question: What is the name of your mother factory?

Name: Albert Fusté
Title: School failure

- Spain is the third country which has the most school failurement.
- The majority of school failuring is in the outlying towns.
- Challenge and solution: do more practice and less theory.

Impression: VERY GOOD
Question: What is the meaning of outlying towns?

Name: Arunas Dumsa
Title: Drought

- Generally this happens when a region recives avarege precipitions.
- The west coast of North America which gets water from glaciers also would be affected.
- Drought can also reduce the water quality, so we could make these things to stop this threat: cloud seeding, desalination, recycled water...

Impression: FAIR
No question.

Name: Joel Murica

- Pig Influenza is a virus which on September won’t be anything.
- Apear in Mexico and are expanded in 29 countries.
- 1649 people in EUA who have the new pandemia.

Impression: GOOD
Question: For how long do you think that this desiase will last?
Name: Xavier Oliveres
Title: Bullying

- International cause in all highschools.
- The worst bullying is mental and verbal bullying.
- The effects or bullying depression, loneliess discrimination, risc of suicide...

Impression: FAIL
Question: What do you think the mental and verbal bullying is the worst?

Name: Wijan Ruíz
Title: Obesity

- Excess body fat has absoluty ball.
- 649 Kg has the fatest person on the world, he’s a Mexican.
- Solutions: Diet, Medical treatment, Operation.

Impression: VERY GOOD
Question: Do you know anyone who has this disease?

Names: Sergi Bernad and Sandra Kugele
Title: Racism

- It’s a form of discrimination of the people for.
- It was popular in XIX century.
- Types: Racial discrimination, Institutional racism and economic racism.

Impression: GOOD
Question: Could you tell me an exemple of Neo-Nazism?

Name: Lauren Maurette
Title: Anorexia

- 40-60 % of highschool girls diet.
- Anorexia effects your brain, hair, heart, blood, hormones, skins...
- The people need a medical atention to resolve the problem.

Impression: FAIR
Question: Do you think the Anorexic disease is similar than bolimic disease?

Observation of my oral presentation

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Hi people, I’m going to talk today about Acid Rain: What we know about Acid Rain? It’s a popular term referring to the deposition of wet and dry acidic components like rain, snow, fog and acidifying particles.
The causes is because of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. Acid rain is formed em... of there to get sulfuric acid and nitric acid. The emition start by electric industrial, factories and vehicles which use fuel.
Well, there, there is a chemical process. First the transport and the factories em... emit sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and other gases to the sky and these components combine fastly with the water.
We can see... a reaction sulfur acid is formed by sulfur dioxide plus OH and we get HOSO2 em... a em... Acid Sulfídric in Catalan. Em... there acid sulfídric, in Catalan, combines to Oxygen and get H... HO and SO3, there very fastly combines to the water and we have Sulfuric acid.
This substance with Nitric Acid, Oxygen plus em... oxide [ai no...] nitric oxide, ni... nitrogen oxide gets nitrogen dioxide and this substance combines fastly with water and we have nitric acid plus nitrogen oxide.

Consequences... oh! One thing em... normally the rain have a PH of 5’65 and we considere acid rain when the rain is a PH of 5, this rain could have PH of 3 and it is very corro... corrosive.
Consequences. The first consequence is surface water and aquatic animals: The lakes, rivers and seas acidity are a difficult... difficulty for aqueatic life development because of killing much fishes, em... vegetation life and, of course, microorganism life and we can find higher aluminium concentrations in surface water.
Second consequence is Soils, is Soils... there is the pollution like some microbes are unable to tolerate changes to low PHs and are killed because of the acid rain em... The third consequence are Forests and other vegetation and, of course, the vegetation life because of this rain is one of the biggest problem because we need the vegetation to get oxygen to breath and could live.
The most important consequence for me and for all people is humand health. The scientific say this problem will cause illness, premature deaths, cancer and other diseases. It’s horrible, it’s the future but nobody are doing nothing and we will death because of that.
And other effects are damage to certain building materials and historical monuments.
Finally solutions: we can... we can say to get the use of natural gas in diverse industries.
- Extension of the system o... of electrical transport
- Reduce the maximum level of sulfur in different fuels.
- Or... Neutralize the PH of lakes and rivers addition alkaline compounds there.
That’s all

If you have any question, I’m going to answer you.

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Opinion Essay

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I agree with the idea what we have to respect our world. I think it's so important because our world is very beautiful, is necessary for life and the animals are not to became for our pollution.
On the one hand, we know this problem becase on the news they tell us a lot of things about that topic there is a lot of publicity and organitzations who desagree. However the question is what they are doing, what the government does because they aren't introducting more rubbish and recycling.
On the other hand if the people who have the power aren't doing anything else, this world will be a horrible place. I believe that because we are polluting the rivers, lakes and seas, the atmosphere is devastated, we are taking illness and we have more diseases every year.
In conclusion I believe that our world is very polluted and I would say it hasn't got a solution because the humans think they are visiting this would for many decades and they have grounds for living their life and die. That's the reason because the world hasn't got solution because the humans are too seelfish.

Built to Spill, but not to stop. Catalonia Today. Thursday, October 23, 2008

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The rock band Built to Spill is an indie band who came to Barcelona on October 29 at Sala Apolo. There music is like grunge but the guitar's sound has a constant flux of rock sound. Them frontman is Doug Martsch ever since the group's founding in 1993. Their latest disc as that time was You in Reverse releated in 2006. The tickets were about €18-22 and the guitars started wailing more or less at 8:30pm. It was a great concert.

The Doors- Riders on the Storm. Think in English P.23

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Jim Morrison conceived The Doors band when he met Ray Manzarek. Actually the band started in 1967 when there were all the members of the band who were changed twice. Thei image was a Pop star destroying things. In March 1969 Morrison was arrested, in 1971 left The Doors and went to live with his girlfriend in Paris, when he was 27 died because of drugs and alcohol.

"Guns n' roses" Think in English P. 25

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The biggest secret of Guns n' Roses is that everyone changed their names except Steven Alder (drummer) who was happy with his real name. Many of Guns n' Roses songs are covers of other people's lyrics like Knocking on Heavens Door by Bob Dylan. They got on the wrong side of homosexuals, African American, women and parents.
Finally, a lot of their songs appeared in movies because they're from Los Angeles and they're near Hollywood.

Podcast of OLD-SCHOOL FLAVOUR. Catalonia Today

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For and Against Celebrity dessay

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There are a lot of famous people in hte world, they can be president, rock star, good football player, actor and actress... But not all of them have the seem character.
There are famous who are very responsible, polite, sympathetic, kind people and very nice.
On the other hand there are famous very dirty, so rude, unhappy, who take drugs all the day to be fine for do concerts, for example, or to be able to sleep.
I think their life has a lot of stress because of pressive of taking photos, videos and writing all the things which they do, so they can't be a lot of huge parties and they can't have money problems. That's a good thing to be famous.

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Film Review about LORDS OF DOGTOWN

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I'm going to talk about Lords of Dogtown.

It's a surf film which explains a real story about a couple of guys. At first, they are surfers and go surfing every day but they practise old school too, and they have to go to competition because they boss tells them to go.

When the heroes begin to win competitions, managers contract them and they begin to separate. Everybody could do what they want but one of this guys has a head tumour and he wants to unite all his friends like the old times.

That's all and I like this film because it has a great script, good surf and oldschool scenes and good actors/actresses. I also like it because the music is magnificent, there are The Who and Black Sabbath songs!

Finally, I think that this film will open your eyes about the importance of friends.


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Thursday, October 16, 2008
Queen was born in 1970 by Freddie Mercury, Brian May and Roger Taylor. They play a determined style that's a mix of Progressive rock, heavy metal but singer Paul rodgers adds a new dimension. They'll play on October 22 at Palau Sant Jordi. Doors will open at 8.30pm and the tickets cost 40€ or 83.40€.


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Thursday, Ocotber 9, 2008
Barcelona has got a lot of locals where the people can do concerts there. One example of great band are Caracola who them are a rumba-fusion music style. Mainstream venues include l'Auditori, Sala Apolo, Harlem Jazz Club, Luz de Gas and Jazz Sí club.
But there are improvised venues that include Museu Etnologic bookshop Negra y Criminal and Gràcia based La Ruqueria Querubi. You can get more information on


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Thursday, October 9, 2008
There are three diferents band which different kind of music. They is: a great hip-hop singer who are considerate one of the fathers of hip-hop, Grandmaster Flash. Tickets of "Flash" concert cost 12€ in advance and 15€ at the door.
There is also a pop ban that calls Schizophrenic Spacers who they'll play in Barcelona at the Sala Mephisto on the 11th of October, tickets cost 14€. Finally there is Paul Weller who are a rock band. They'll play at the Espai Movistar on October 17th. Tickets cost 30€ in advance and 33€ at the door.

Description of a person

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Kevin's a special firend because we have been in a lot of places doing stupid things. He's taller than me, dark-eyed and he's got a funny facec.
At first Kevin seems irresponsible, indecisive, not very sympathetic, really shy and raither stupid but he's not this kind of person.
Normally he's quite sincere, very friendly, really dependent and particularly sympathetic.
I've never seen Kevin angry and I don't want to know how I've to do.
The best thing of Kevin, I believe, is that he's very stupid as me but I can trust him because I know that he'll never tell my secrets to anyone.
So, that's Kevin, my guitar idol without doubt.


Formal Letter

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8, Federico García Lorca Street
15th December 2008

The Principal
Castelló Empúries Highschool
6, Rentador Street
Castelló d'Empúries

Ms Pintó,

I was thinking about the highschool and Idecided to write this letter about the good and the bad things that highschool has.

First, I agree that we have a good organitation teachering but there are so many students for instalations. I desagree that 3 and 4 Eso students can't go out at break time. I know it's a serious problem if somebody doesn't come after but if they can go out, the break would have less student's problems.

In my opinion, the Christmas decoration has been a little childish, there are a lot of things for children. But I know why you put these things on the walls, it's because the highschool is very grey and there aren't any colourful things.

I look forward to your answer about allowing 3 and 4 ESO clases to go out at break time

Yours sincerely,

Cristian Pérez.