Film Review about LORDS OF DOGTOWN
dimecres, 4 de març del 2009 9:53 , 0 comentaris

I'm going to talk about Lords of Dogtown.
It's a surf film which explains a real story about a couple of guys. At first, they are surfers and go surfing every day but they practise old school too, and they have to go to competition because they boss tells them to go.
When the heroes begin to win competitions, managers contract them and they begin to separate. Everybody could do what they want but one of this guys has a head tumour and he wants to unite all his friends like the old times.
That's all and I like this film because it has a great script, good surf and oldschool scenes and good actors/actresses. I also like it because the music is magnificent, there are The Who and Black Sabbath songs!
Finally, I think that this film will open your eyes about the importance of friends.
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