Ebooks are here- paper books are dead

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Nes tecnology is here and we don't think about that.
The paper gets us a way to tell what we think, teach to get a job, comunicate ourselves but maybe it's over because it'll be substituted on tecnology. It's called the ebooks.

Firstly it's a new change for us, remember heavy bags, papers and books missed at home and write fastly to take notes in class. Now it won't be a problem.

Secondly the ebooks will be a great solution for all this problem but each of it will be so expensive. Is it true? I desagree with that because the price of notebooks, books, pencils, etc are so expensive too and you have to buy them every year.

Finally I agree with the ebooks to be the new material to teach, read, save information and documents. It will be practical and it won't be heavy.

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