Observation of my oral presentation
dijous, 28 de maig del 2009 7:46 , 0 comentaris
Hi people, I’m going to talk today about Acid Rain: What we know about Acid Rain? It’s a popular term referring to the deposition of wet and dry acidic components like rain, snow, fog and acidifying particles.
The causes is because of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. Acid rain is formed em... of there to get sulfuric acid and nitric acid. The emition start by electric industrial, factories and vehicles which use fuel.
Well, there are...no, there is a chemical process. First the transport and the factories em... emit sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and other gases to the sky and these components combine fastly with the water.
We can see... a reaction sulfur acid is formed by sulfur dioxide plus OH and we get HOSO2 em... a em... Acid Sulfídric in Catalan. Em... there acid sulfídric, in Catalan, combines to Oxygen and get H... HO and SO3, there very fastly combines to the water and we have Sulfuric acid.
This substance with Nitric Acid, Oxygen plus em... oxide [ai no...] nitric oxide, ni... nitrogen oxide gets nitrogen dioxide and this substance combines fastly with water and we have nitric acid plus nitrogen oxide.
Consequences... oh! One thing em... normally the rain have a PH of 5’65 and we considere acid rain when the rain is a PH of 5, this rain could have PH of 3 and it is very corro... corrosive.
Consequences. The first consequence is surface water and aquatic animals: The lakes, rivers and seas acidity are a difficult... difficulty for aqueatic life development because of killing much fishes, em... vegetation life and, of course, microorganism life and we can find higher aluminium concentrations in surface water.
Second consequence is Soils, is Soils... there is the pollution like some microbes are unable to tolerate changes to low PHs and are killed because of the acid rain em... The third consequence are Forests and other vegetation and, of course, the vegetation life because of this rain is one of the biggest problem because we need the vegetation to get oxygen to breath and could live.
The most important consequence for me and for all people is humand health. The scientific say this problem will cause illness, premature deaths, cancer and other diseases. It’s horrible, it’s the future but nobody are doing nothing and we will death because of that.
And other effects are damage to certain building materials and historical monuments.
Finally solutions: we can... we can say to get the use of natural gas in diverse industries.
- Extension of the system o... of electrical transport
- Reduce the maximum level of sulfur in different fuels.
- Or... Neutralize the PH of lakes and rivers addition alkaline compounds there.
That’s all
If you have any question, I’m going to answer you.
The causes is because of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. Acid rain is formed em... of there to get sulfuric acid and nitric acid. The emition start by electric industrial, factories and vehicles which use fuel.
Well, there are...no, there is a chemical process. First the transport and the factories em... emit sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and other gases to the sky and these components combine fastly with the water.
We can see... a reaction sulfur acid is formed by sulfur dioxide plus OH and we get HOSO2 em... a em... Acid Sulfídric in Catalan. Em... there acid sulfídric, in Catalan, combines to Oxygen and get H... HO and SO3, there very fastly combines to the water and we have Sulfuric acid.
This substance with Nitric Acid, Oxygen plus em... oxide [ai no...] nitric oxide, ni... nitrogen oxide gets nitrogen dioxide and this substance combines fastly with water and we have nitric acid plus nitrogen oxide.
Consequences... oh! One thing em... normally the rain have a PH of 5’65 and we considere acid rain when the rain is a PH of 5, this rain could have PH of 3 and it is very corro... corrosive.
Consequences. The first consequence is surface water and aquatic animals: The lakes, rivers and seas acidity are a difficult... difficulty for aqueatic life development because of killing much fishes, em... vegetation life and, of course, microorganism life and we can find higher aluminium concentrations in surface water.
Second consequence is Soils, is Soils... there is the pollution like some microbes are unable to tolerate changes to low PHs and are killed because of the acid rain em... The third consequence are Forests and other vegetation and, of course, the vegetation life because of this rain is one of the biggest problem because we need the vegetation to get oxygen to breath and could live.
The most important consequence for me and for all people is humand health. The scientific say this problem will cause illness, premature deaths, cancer and other diseases. It’s horrible, it’s the future but nobody are doing nothing and we will death because of that.
And other effects are damage to certain building materials and historical monuments.
Finally solutions: we can... we can say to get the use of natural gas in diverse industries.
- Extension of the system o... of electrical transport
- Reduce the maximum level of sulfur in different fuels.
- Or... Neutralize the PH of lakes and rivers addition alkaline compounds there.
That’s all
If you have any question, I’m going to answer you.
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