Catalonia Today- Thursday, October 23, 2008
dilluns, 1 de desembre del 2008 15:11 , 0 comentaris
Speed limit efficiency doubted
The new 80km/h speed limit reducted of pollution levels. Convergenci i Unió MP Ramón Espalader has demanded María Comellas and Manel Nadal to reduce speed limit or the up to 7% reduction in traffic since the rise in price of petrol and current economic crisis.
The government remains firm to its commitment to reduce speed limits in metropolitan Barcelona.
The new 80km/h speed limit reducted of pollution levels. Convergenci i Unió MP Ramón Espalader has demanded María Comellas and Manel Nadal to reduce speed limit or the up to 7% reduction in traffic since the rise in price of petrol and current economic crisis.
The government remains firm to its commitment to reduce speed limits in metropolitan Barcelona.